[s-cars] Track time update + FBR (long)

mlp mlped at qwest.net
Sun May 5 23:11:20 EDT 2002

~-----Original Message-----
~From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
~I'm ruined.
~Here is my story...
~.... the pads went in 18.0mm thick and came out about the same. Nice
~track pads, squeal like the devil though, whereas the stockers provide
~for a wife-friendly silence.
~The conclusion ,,,,,

Waszzat Frank, the wife doesn't like squealing????
She ain't gona make it in WV.  Better stay in Boulder.

Semi-satisfied, but still kind'a piss'd off at Frank about this race car
suspension "once yo gone racy yo ain't go'n back" thingy, FBR graduate
(well, on probation) mlp

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