[s-cars] RE: [BIRA] Brake Squeal

Kaklikian, Gary Gary.Kaklikian at COMPAQ.com
Mon May 6 15:45:07 EDT 2002

Does the BIRA kit you're referring to use the 996 monoblocks? I had a squealing problem with these calipers, mounted on a different model Audi. The problem was the pad retention spring was slipping and rubbing against the outer edge of the rotor. A couple pieces of steel rod (I think it was 5/16")  brazed to the spring to keep it centered cured the problem.

Re: vibration dampers. I never had them on the 996 calipers, but they are stock on the 928S4 calipers on my 944 turbo. There is an adhesive material on the pad side of the dampers from the factory, and the manual recommends replacing the dampers each time the pads are replaced. I have a squealing problem on this car as well,  even with the dampers and adhesive.   The pad retention device is different than on the 996 calipers and cannot contact the rotor. The problem is the pads, in this Porterfield R4-S, which are quiet when used hard but squeal under light application.  But, the rear calipers, which are a similar 4-piston design as the front but smaller, but don't use vibration dampers or shims, never squeal.

'92 S4
'89 951

Taka writes: > > > Lee- > AFAIK, you need 4 of the vibration dampeners, one behind each pad. > You also need to glue the dampener to the pad backing plate, major > PITA to change pads once you do this. > Bummer. Wish I had known this before I put my brakes together. Guess it was obvious. Doh. :) With regard to glueing the dampener to the pad...I think I'm not going to do that...will they work anyway? Lee

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