[s-cars] Help with Autocheck needed

KBATTPO igor at s-cars.org
Wed May 8 11:56:37 EDT 2002

Bob Rossato wrote:
> Hi Igor,
> Don't know if someone already answered but....
> > Folks,
> > can somebody do me a favour? In an UrS6 with stock (non-relayed)
> > headlights please do the following in this particular sequence:
> > 1. turn the Ignition ON.
> > 2. parking lights and headlights OFF.
> > 3. remove the round headlight connector plug.
> > is the Autocheck's "burned bulb" symbol ON? no
> NO
> > 4. reinsert the plug
> > 5. remove one stop light bulb. Do not step on brakes!
> > is the Autocheck's "burned bulb" symbol ON?
> NO
> > 6. Now step on the brake pedal.
> > is the Autocheck's "burned bulb" symbol ON?
> YES.  Actually it says Brake Light on mine.  No symbol.  Re-inserted bulb.
> Stepped on brake again and warning went off, as it should.
> Hope that helps.
> Regards,
> Bob

Yes, very much so. Thanks alot, Bob!

Mine comes on arbitrtarily, while driving. W/o the headlights turned on
and w/o stepping on the brakes.
I guess Autocheck itself is kaput.


P.S. I am CC:-ing the list coz other people are asking if they still
need to go and performn this test for me.

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