Subject: [s-cars] What flavor without barbequeing the S4

Mike Platt mplatt911 at
Fri May 17 07:22:24 EDT 2002

I just took my TAP chips out of my S6 and they gave me
no problems in the 2 yrs they were in there. No error
codes as IA's did in my S4. They certainly don't have
the power that the MTM stg1+ with 3 bar sensor have
but still worked fine. If you want to save the bucks
you'll be happy, but if you want to pay an extra few
hundred you'll be really happy with the MTM.
I'm selling my TAP chips cheap on ebay.
Good luck.

My 93 S4 is begging for a chip upgrade.....

Have heard horror stores about the TAP chips..

I would like to find out which chip seems to perform
best all around, good power, driveability, doesn't
throw error codes or cause problems.

This will be with an otherwise stock S4, what chip do
you have?


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