[s-cars] RS2 EM / Turbo BTDT (longish)

Bill Mahoney wmahoney at disk.com
Fri May 17 11:36:12 EDT 2002

Glad to give a little payback for sure.. Make note too of Pastore's
subsequent post reference disconnecting the lower oil line at the engine
block instead of the turbo.  This option came to me only after I had already
removed the turbo and a very cursory look left me unsure as to whether it
would have been easier to remove working from under the engine and how much
oil would leak out then.  Worth exploring though if starting the job over.
Also; I forgot to mention that the lower coolant line should be bent a
little bit at the bend so that it's about 1/4" longer to mate up perfectly
with the new turbo.(YMMV)  This will a bit easier to do -before- installing
the turbo.
Note too that in some places of my post where I said "bolt", I really meant
BTW, since my old turbo was kinda rusty looking in spots, I painted the new
turbo with "Por 20" while it was out. Very nice!
Maybe this weekend I'll post some pics, but I wonder where since the yahoo
files were gone last time I looked.
Good luck!  It's a fun project, looking back.  Kinda like giving birth I
suppose.  And the results are spectacular!  Bob would be happy to hear that
I hit the rev limiter this AM for the first time :)  Good to know it works.
Bill m

-----Original Message-----
From: TM [mailto:t44tq at mindspring.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 8:01 PM
To: 'Bill Mahoney'
Subject: RE: [s-cars] RS2 EM / Turbo BTDT (longish)

Thank you for the detailed report.

I'm saving this post for when I do the turbo upgrade.


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