[s-cars] (no subject)

bob.rossato at att.net bob.rossato at att.net
Tue May 28 14:44:44 EDT 2002

Hello folks,

I will be upgrading to RS2 power levels, or thereabouts
on my S6.  Slowly picking up the hardware here and
there.  I also have a 6 spd coming in and was planning
to replace clutch and pressure plate at the same time
when I install it.  I'm looking for some recommendations
with regard to clutch and pressure plate from those of
you that have some BTDT with upgraded motors.

Given power levels in the 300-330hp area, is the stock
AAN clutch/pp sufficient?

Has anyone installed an RS2 clutch and pressure plate?

RS2 has a different flywheel and crankshaft.  Would an
RS2 clutch and pressure plate be compatible with the AAN

Any other alternatives?

Any help would be appreciated.

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