[s-cars] RE: s-car get together

Paul Krasusky KrasuskyP at FirstInterBank.com
Tue May 28 14:36:36 EDT 2002

Howdy Mike / Jeff / list-

I'll tell you what dates I'm thinking, and CC the list for update sake,
seeing as it appears we'll have interest to go forward with this.

Good news Mike!  I'm only thinking July / August, and the 7/27 ProRally
weekend we have a wedding, so no conflict there!  I can only hope the rest
of the responses come in and work so easily!

And good point Jeff about stupid Audi canning the Hillclimb gathering, this
will be better than nothing.  Though, I'm thinking that holding a Special
Stage up and down Susan Drive won't be appreciated by my neighbors, heh

Anyway, thanks for the responses,  #'s 5 & 6 so far.  We're off to a good
start, I'm hopeful I'm able to put this together!

While ideally I'd pick a Sat., and one not coinciding with a Holiday, I'm
including ALL that are open for me as of yet so the rest of you can begin
formulating a plan that mutually works:

Sun 		6/30 (4th of July is that coming Thurs.)
Sat / Sun	7/6-7/7 (4th is preceding Thurs.)
Sun 		7/14 (*3rd choice?*)
Sat / Sun	7/20-7/21 (*I'm leaning toward*)
Sat / Sun	8/24-8/25 (*I'm leaning toward*)
Sat / Sun	8/31-9/1 (Labor Day is that Mon.)

NOTE:  all above dates subject to wifeveto until I get it green lighted this
evening!  Sad, sad, sad...

Ah, I can hear the conversations already:

"Oh, so THAT'S what a Stroumung sounds like compared to a Stebro..."
"Wow them RS2 bits make it a screamer..."
"Paul, the barrel's kicked, let's ALL run down to the store for another, see
who gets there first..."
"Bob R., where's all them RS2 bits and 6 spd. you told me about..." (sorry
Bob, couldn't resist!)
"Hi Paul, I brought CASH for your MB 2.3-16... now you can go finish your
mods...." (OK, I'm dreaming...)

So, either email me direct, call me 860.241.2550, or ignore us Easterners
all together (unless of course the CO Mafia wants to justify a road trip).
But let's start formulating the plan so we can pen it in accordingly...



-----Original Message-----
From: jeff posto [mailto:jpostup at yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 1:18 PM
To: Paul Krasusky
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Northeastern S gathering?


 A fine idea.. Given Mt Washington is a no go this year.

I can assist in generating interest in the NH-MA area.

Jeff Posto

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Platt [mailto:mplatt911 at yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 1:06 PM
To: KrasuskyP at FirstInterBank.com
Subject: s-car get together

Hi Paul,

I'm in!
Let's see ....dates out for me.
June 7-10    F1 in Montreal
July 26-28   ProRally in Maine
Sept 29      F1 in Indy

Just skied Tuckermans Saturday. Very nice. The Ravine
has had 35" in May. My 9 and 11 yr old boys skied it
too. Much to the amazement of some onlookers.

Other than that sign me up.

Mike Platt
95.5 S6 avant
75 Carrera Targa

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