[s-cars] Samco!

Paul Krasusky KrasuskyP at FirstInterBank.com
Wed May 29 18:05:27 EDT 2002


Thanks for your diligence, you're a good man for coordinating this.  Guess
my penance will be whether or not I end up hosting our East Coaster's
Gathering in August!

Anyway, wow, that IS a good deal.  Best I was looking at was, well, I guess
I too will honor your non-disclosure option.  Like I said, maybe 20% off.
Good job!

Like I mentioned before, the real good news for me is Ray T. is sending me a
'loaner' hose to tide me over until August.  Hey, any East Coaster who plans
on attending our fest who's in on the GP...  should the hoses arrive in time
(if I go with 8/24) we'll have an install session.  Yeah, we know how party,
don't we now!

-Paul "out of control fun with boost hoses" Krasusky

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