[s-cars] Wife's not chubby ...The (S6) seat belt's stubby.

Igor Kessel igor at s-cars.org
Fri Nov 1 09:37:51 EST 2002

Charlie Smith wrote:
> Earlier, Joseph Pizzimenti wrote:
> >
> > Must've been post-luau gas, Hap.
> >
> > Joe, drinking a double espresso with a shot of extra
> > virgin (like your daughter!) olive oil at work, Pizzo
> Ahh espresso.
> For those of you that have trouble getting a consistent cup
> I highly recommend the "Nespresso" capsule system.  I've got
> a Krupps type 554A automatic machine, and it will turn out
> a perfect cup of Ristretto in about 30 seconds.
>     http://www.nespresso.com/index_e.html
> I've never tried that with a shot of extra virgin olive oil,
> and somehow, that's a scary thought!

the real thing does not come in a preformed capsule in a paper envelope.
You have to slave for it yourself.
Get the Brazilian Arabica (Heaven forbid from getting the aggressive and
sour Colombian), slowly roast it, grind it to the required finesse, run
some boiling water first to flush the boiler and to warm up the holder
(Brass or Stainless Steel of course, never AL), break out those Italian
made double decker Stainless Steel espresso cups made like a vacuum
flask for heat retention, add some brown sugar and finally hit that
button on your genuine Italian made Saeco espresso machine.


In the next chapter I will write about the art of making the Turkish

Some Audi content: I have a 12v espresso machine for use in the car.
Made in Italy, by Bertone. Yeah, I know, I need to seek counseling at
"Coffee Addicts Anonymous".

Igor "death before decaf" Kessel

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