[s-cars] crazy fuel gauge

Cody Payne Cody.Payne at bconnected.com
Tue Nov 5 15:22:13 EST 2002

Speaking of Fuel...what kink of gas mileage are you fellow "heavy footers" getting?  I commute mostly on back road not much highway and getting around 16-17MPG...
Engine Mods:
2.5 Bar Chipped ECU + 7A cam + Stromung SS Exhaust (Cam hasn't seem to have much effect on MPG as before was about the same too)

New O2 sensor installed 4 weeks ago.

Is this normal?



-----Original Message-----
From: serge [mailto:serge411 at speakeasy.org]
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 3:05 PM
To: Chad Hall; s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [s-cars] crazy fuel guage

on 11/4/02 5:47 PM, Chad Hall at outex at charter.net wrote:

> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> For the past 2 weeks my fuel gauge has been inconsistent at best and usually
> just plain off most of the time.  When I fill up the tank, sometimes it will
> only show a little above 3/4 full.  When I start out w/full tank, I can only
> get about 225 miles on the trip odometer before I am deep into reserve.  With
> my old VW's I would just replace the in-tank fuel pump/float mechanism.  Don't
> our cars have a fuel level sensor somewhere other than in the tank?  BTW, per
> Jimmy Pribble's log of his car:  it was a major PITA to finally (I assume) fix
> his problem fuel gauge.  They replaced the sending unit 2 or 3 times, circuit
> boards (once or twice), whole cluster, etc. Any ideas before I head to the
> dealer?
> Thanks,
> Chad Hall
> '95 S6
> --
Chad, my 95 avant has had those same fuel gauge issues since purchase last
December. I just assumed it was an Audi quirk. I have filled it to the point
where I can see gasoline in the filler tube, and still the needle never
quite points to full. In my 84 GTI, I used to keep a close eye on the gas
mileage as an indicator to possible engine problems. I miss being able to do
this with the S6 due to the crazy fuel gauge syndrome. Keep us posted on
your progress.

Serge Filanovsky

95 S6 Avant

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