[s-cars] Re: 6-speed Pro-Con-Ten

Stocker, Gerard StockerG at state.gov
Fri Nov 8 09:40:51 EST 2002

Thanks for all the responses on this one. Proof will be when we can get a
look at the tranny. Maybe we can see it while the car is up on a lift...
with a trick mirror or medical endoscope :-)

At least I feel a little more confident now.
 - Gerry

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Rossato [mailto:bob.rossato at att.net]
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 8:25 PM
To: Charlie Smith; Stocker, Gerard
Cc: Audi S Car List
Subject: RE: [s-cars] Re: 6-speed Pro-Con-Ten

> *<Guys -
> >Im typing on q dingy French keyboqrd, zith lots of keys in a
> different plqce.
> I think the 95.5 stopped using the Pro Con ten, the eqrly 95 cqrs
> had the >Pro COn Ten system.
> After lqte ç(, the 95.5, qll had the wide 1st geqr, not the hardened
> 1st geqr.K*
> Damn keyboard ...  helped by La >Vin Rouge qnd 1665 on tap.
>     - Charlie

ProCon 10 was not used on any '95s as far as I can tell from Bentley and
TFA.  My 9/94 build date S6 does not have it.


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