[s-cars] Overpressure in the cooling system

Vincent Frégeac vfregeac at sympatico.ca
Mon Nov 18 22:21:48 EST 2002

Hi all,

I'm still stuck with the same problem: My coolant tank seems to over
pressurize. I had a first leak at the return hose junction with the
tank. I first replaced the pressure relief cap. Same problem. Then I
replaced the clamp on the return line. I found a crack on the hose,
close to the hose end, so I put the clamp before the crack. Still the
same problem. Actually, I'm running with the cap partially unscrewed so
the pressure can escape by the cap.

Any idea what can cause the problem. BTW, my S6 is running on the low
temp side, seriously too low - but that's another story - so overheating
is not the problem.


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