[s-cars] weird vibration on 94 S4?!?!

Joseph Pizzimenti pizzoman at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 3 10:16:01 EDT 2002

Did you take the wheel off yet?  Even a slight
vertical bend and throw the balance of a wheel off.
An acquantance of mine bent 8 of those cup 2 replicas
in 30k of driving, and he did not hit a small mountain
like I did.  You should take the car to a proper
balancing machine and have them see if the wheel is,
in fact, out of round.
As for the "well aligned stock setup", our cars have
camber issues, eibachs or no eibachs, so I would
hesitate to assume your car pre-springs was
well-aligned.  When I bought my car, there was little
tramlining with the 225/50 Dunlop 9000's, but, after 2
months of ownership, I had uneven tire wear.  Took it
to an alignment shop that I trust and they said they
were unable to bring it into spec.
If your alignment is cooler than the other side of the
pillow, which I doubt, since you have lowered the car
without camber correction plates, I would look at a
defective right front tire.
It's probably the alignment, though.
btbt (been there, broke that)

-Joe "the wrecker" Pizzo
--- Darin Nederhoff <editor at s-cars.org> wrote:
> I guess I should have mentioned the the control arms
> and all control arm
> bushings are new as are the tie rod ends and upper
> mounts etc.  I do
> need some IgorPlates (tm) but it seems odd that I
> had the exact same
> vibration on the well aligned stock setup (albeit w/
> bent wheel).
> I'll have to look everything over this weekend.
> Darin "No I didn't break it like Pizzo" Nederhoff
> ;-)

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