[s-cars] urS Best Suspension?

CLAG500 at aol.com CLAG500 at aol.com
Wed Oct 16 21:52:14 EDT 2002


  Some excellent points.  I especially like your obsevation that a lowered
car with strut suspension could actually be cornering with less camber than a
car at stock hieght. Actually, once the lower control arm is past it's apex
camber will go positive as the suspension compresses. Not good for cornering.

Chad Tobin

 >second, the UrS4/S6 has strut suspension.  you need to pay attention to
 >roll centers and camber curves.  if you lower the car too much, you might
 >find yourself on the part of the camber curve that produces little camber
 >gain as the suspension compresses.  then you'll find that the car loses
 >camber overall, as the camber gain from suspension compression isn't enough
 >to make up for camber lost to body roll.

 >i don't have any experience with the UrS4/S6, so somebody else will
 >need to come up with numbers.  i'm just pointing out that lower is not
 >necessarily better.

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