[s-cars] suspension harmonic shudder, revisited

Dave Burig dburig at igsenergy.com
Mon Oct 21 09:34:47 EDT 2002

My fellow listers,
We had an interesting thread going on this topic, and it kinda evaporated.
To review, on long sweepers at interstate speeds, some of us would
experience what feels like a harmonic shudder in which the car felt like it
was going to shake itself off of the road.  This shaking was felt through
the floorboards, the seat and the steering wheel.
When I first felt this, I knew my struts were completely shot, so I didn't
worry too much about it because an upgrade was in the works.
This past weekend, (with the help of Chad Tobin and Rob Eagleye, thanks
guys) the Bilstein HDs went on (along w/ the big blacks).  Here's the bad
(or maybe good) part.  The problem still exists.  The vibration seems to be
at the same frequency, but at a greatly reduced amplitude.  It also seems to
come on at lower speeds, (75 rather than 80-85 mph). I say possibly good
news, because I'm now certain that I can induce the vibration with a
mechanic riding shotgun, and not put our lives in peril.
This is pretty scary stuff.  Anyone out there have any more input/feedback.
Hopefully my control study helps add some data to the mix.

Dave "shaking away in Columbus, Ohio" Burig

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