[s-cars] Water leaks

Raymond H. Tomlinson rtomlins at vermontlaw.edu
Mon Oct 28 09:49:03 EST 2002

Wet?  I never thought I could get so wet.

Did I mention that I went through 8 (read_8) extra large beach towels to
absorb the what seemed like gallons of standing water under the carpet,
after, of course, removing the entire interior.  Now, I have a window
box fan blowing on the carpet for 2 days . . . Nice of Audi to use that
special foam that absorbs 3x its weight in water.  Chrykies.

I'm just thankful that the weather is above freezing.  Knock on wood.

Ray Tomlinson

>>> Neil Swanson <neilsphoto at yahoo.com> 10/25/02 18:29 PM >>>
Oh wet ones,

While you are fishing around the muck that builds up
around that rubber drain piece in the cowl why not
just remove the rubber piece all together?

The rubber will only clog again and it would take a
small dead animal to plug the hole left there if you
leave it out.  I can't see any harm from leaving it

BTW a few months ago after a freakin' monsone came
over the NE USA I had 3 A4s in the shop. All flooded,
all had plugged drains (under the battery) and they
all left dry and without the stinkin' rubber plugs, oh
I mean drains.

Meanwhile back at the ranch I popped open the hood on
the wifes A4 and made sure she had a clear drain under
the battery.  I don't need more to do if you know what
I mean.

No s-car content here but if you think you have bad
luck sometimes with water leaks et-al today I did a
t-belt on a '98 A4 1.8. It came in sounding like a
diesel as the t-belt tensioner had grenaded.  Customer
said "the car has a little rattle"!  Luck was on their
side as the cam timing did NOT jump and all 20 little
valves were fine.

Now the bad news.  Within the first hundred feet of
the roadtest I knew the wastgate was dead and the car
had no boost.  Ca'ching, turbo time.  A4 wastgates
fail and it can't be bought w/o a turbo attached to
it.  Customers never seem to notice the car has gone
from 150hp to 90hp.  Customer was not pleased.  I bet
this car is traded in over the weekend.


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