[s-cars] Clamp GP - Update and Source for Clampco Clamps

Robert F. Eagleye rfeagleye at thornhillcpa.com
Wed Oct 30 08:46:15 EST 2002

Well, many clamp things happened yesterday and this AM, so I thought I would
send an update to everyone interested in the Clampco clamps I was going to
try to buy. I thought it would be easier to get these :)

I went to Clampco yesterday afternoon. They were great people, helped me out
a bunch. But I misunderstood the saleman about the quantity I had to buy. It
was 25 of EACH clamp (yikes!). But, he gave me a set for my hoses and we
sized them up for proper fit.

After looking at them when I got back, reading the list about the sizing of
the ECS clamps, and then discussing the size with Bob P. I felt the sizes
the saleman gave me were about 1/8" small for some of the ends. But as it
turned out, the original clamps I had when this all started (a 3" and 3
1/4") helped space out the clamps for better sizing and I think I have a
good fit. I have them now at a point where they are all about 1/8 larger
than the OD of the hose. I think it should be a good fit when mounted.

The saleman also gave me the name of a company they sell to that sells over
the counter single clamps, Fastenal. Their web site is great and they have
tons of locations, and had one right down the street from my home. The web
address is http://www.fastenal.com

I went there this morning since they opened at 7:30AM. The Clampco clamps
cost only $2.50 to 3.50 there! So, I have the following part numbers for you
all that can be used at Fastenal to buy these clamps if you want them. The
number of clamps, part numbers, and sizes are as follow:

1   0427931   2 3/8
1   0427933   2 5/8
1   0427934   2 7/8
1   0427936   3 1/8
2   0427937   3 1/4

I am going to test fit mine with the clamps this weekend. If the clamp sizes
turn out to be too small or large I will repost the results, but if anyone
wants to order these and install them this weekend, I feel that these sizes
will be a good fit. Also, the part numbers are consecutive, only the last
digit changes, so if you want a larger size, the numbers work in 1/8"

I hope this helps everyone get some clamps if they don't already have them!

Robert F. Eagleye
1992 S4

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