[s-cars] Of EDL and switches...

Robert Pastore rpastore at animalfeeds.com
Thu Oct 31 15:22:36 EST 2002


I hope we don't have to take this one to the Coliseum....err, I mean the
T*rsen List!

> Now we put a torsen rear diff in: The center torsen will deliver the
> to the drive axle that can most handle it. The rear torsen will allocate
> torque to the driven wheel that can most handle it.  So the equation
> that wheel with the most torque capacity now limits the torque available
> the pavement.

only up to the bias ratio of the torsen.  i don't know what it is in
the V8Q's torsen (which i think is a torsen 1), but typically the bias
ratio is on the order of 2-3:1.

RP>> Agree.

there's also a coffin corner in the torsen's behavior.  the biasing is
a multiple of the torque supportable by the wheel with the least traction.
if that wheel has no traction at all, then the torsen will not deliver
any torque to the wheel with traction, either.

RP>> Yes, but only in theory.   You would need no traction of both axles to
be stuck, because the EDL system will remain functional.   So if you were
stuck, edl would pulse a rear wheel with brake pressure, allowing a torque
allocation. Also, with both Center and rear torsens, "the stuck in snowbank
with Zero traction on both axles" is the only scenario where a locker should
be better.   If you are driving (which by definition implies some traction,
the torsen center/torsen rear setup should be significantly better than open
diffs at using the available traction.

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