[s-cars] Oil in turbo-intercooler pipe

J. Khang jhlk99 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 3 20:51:14 EDT 2002

Hello, everyone.

I'd like some advice please. I took off the rubber
hose that connects the intercooler to the turbocharger
to inspect it and a load of engine oil drained out of
it, which is a bit worrying.

On my Celica GT4, there is a crankcase ventilation
catchcan that recycles any oil vapour so I never see
oil in the turbo-intercooler pipe but the oil would
drain backwards into the turbocharger anyway.

Does the S6 have a similar setup or is the oil in the
rubber hose normal? The car consumes some oil (1 litre
in 10000 miles, I'm told by the previous owner) but
this is well within the allowed limit and it does not
smoke so I suspect that the turbocharger seals are

My mechanic has also pointed out that there is or was
a coolant leak somewhere in the middle of the engine
block, he showed me the dried coolant and it runs down
somewhere around cylinder 2/3.

There is no water in the engine oil, no oil in the
coolant and the car holds 1.8 bar of absolute boost
pressure. Are these engines prone to suffer from
headgasket problems?

'96 S6

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