[s-cars] drip drip drip

CyberPoet thecyberpoet at cyberpoet.net
Sat Apr 5 00:01:39 EST 2003

Pure guess?
If it's a manual tranny: Rear cam or crank seals on the engine; by the
time it gets to the tranny, it's been heated enough to thicken up with
the help of some road dust/dirt...

If it's an automatic: same as above or one of the tranny fluid cooler

Time to get in there with a some engine degreaser and then dry it all
off and then try to locate the source (expect it to be leaking only
under pressure, i.e. - engine running).

PS - other question -- what fluids are dropping if you measure them
day-to-day, over a period of a week?

Good Luck!
=-= Marc

Lee wrote:

> Drip drip drip...I have some deposits on my garage floor under my S6.
> It's
> dark and heavier than oil, and it builds up to 3/4 inch in height. I
> took a
> look underneath, and it looks like the tranny is wet. Not doused, but a
> light amount of oil on it. I can't tell where it's coming from, and
> the top
> of the tranny has some of this oil on it.
> Any thoughts on what this might be?
> Lee
> '95.5 S6 avant
> '96 A6 quattro avant

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