Subject: [s-cars] Valve Cover Gasket Replacement

Wayne Dohnal dohnal at
Thu Apr 10 11:23:22 EDT 2003

>Planning on installing valve cover gasket set in S4 this weekend. Any tips,
>tricks, or techniques I should be aware of? (Beer and blues is already on
>Thanks in advance.
>John Tomlinson
>93 S4

1. If you've never done it before, be aware that the threaded holes that the
spark plug cover fasteners go into are also studs that hold the valve cover
down.  If it doesn't come off without a fight, suspect that something is

2. I used some of the RTV gasket maker stuff around the half-circle plastic
plugs in the back of the valve cover.  I don't know if it helped or not, but
I haven't leaked a drop out of that area since doing the job about a year

Wayne Dohnal
1994 S4

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