Subject: [s-cars] Valve Cover Gasket Replacement

serge serge411 at
Fri Apr 11 01:44:08 EDT 2003

Wayne Dohnal gooed:

> 2. I used some of the RTV gasket maker stuff around the half-circle plastic
> plugs in the back of the valve cover.  I don't know if it helped or not, but
> I haven't leaked a drop out of that area since doing the job about a year
> ago.

I just used the gaskets and half-circles as provided, making sure the
contact surface was clean. My half circles were made out of silicone, the
gasket rubber was more firm. I decided not to use any additional sealant, as
I found no trace of any that was used by the factory. Only abot 1000 miles
so far no problems (w/ valve cover gasket anyway).

Serge Filanovsky

95 S6 Avant

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