[s-cars] Smog Check - high HC Level?

mlp qwest mlped at qwest.net
Tue Apr 15 22:29:40 EDT 2003

Now that's an explanation!

Mike "Still trying to figure out how to get those 31" wheels (thanks
Charlie) on the car"

~-----Original Message-----
~From:  Michael Wakefield
~Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 11:35 AM
~With regard to the Engine coolant Temperature Sensor (G62), which is
~located on the back of the head, the Audi Service Training Manual No
~218 says: "Self-diagnosis recognizes two faults in the circuit of the
~coolant temperature sensor, break/short to positive and short to
~ground.  If the signal from the engine coolant temperature sensor
~fails, and the air intake temperature is above 68 F, a fixed engine
~coolant temperature of  158 F is assumed.  If the intake air
~temperature is below 68 F, a fixed engine coolant temperature of 158 F
~is assumed after three minutes of engine operation.  Adaption of oxygen
~sensor control and idle speed control are stopped if the engine coolant
~temperature sensor signal fails.  The evaporative emission system is
~activated once the assumed engine coolant temperature of 158 F is
~utilized by the Motronic engine control module."
~The "adaption" sentence is especially of concern, although they don't
~say what "sensor signal fails" really means.  Apparently it's pretty
~important that G62 is functioning correctly.  I have no access to a
~resistance vs temperature chart, but the Bentley says that at 68 F the
~resistance between the two terminals should be between 1500-3000 ohms
~MIke Wakefield

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