[s-cars] Joey's getting ANGRY!!!

Joseph Pizzimenti pizzoman at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 17 16:17:50 EDT 2003

As you may be aware, I've been chasing down this ***
****** hydraulic issue for the past year with NO help.
 So far, I've wasted my money on:

New PS pump
New Steering Rack
New Bomb
New High Pressure Hose from pump---->bomb
New HP hose from pump----->rack
Among other things I won't get into right now...

What I get is after a good brake, when I release brake
pedal, I get mooing sound like SOMETHING (pump, bomb,
brake MC, etc.) is sucking air.  I get the vibration
through the steering wheel and some through the brake
pedal, but it's hard to tell because as soon as I put
more brake pressure on, the sound goes away, but
sometimes comes back.  It will also go away if I
swerve around (charging the pump back up again?)

I topped off with pentosin the other day, was a teeny
bit low, but I got under the car and I'm seeping fluid
out of (yup, that pump->bomb hose I spent too much
money on)

It's only seeping out of the bottom, which leads me to
believe it might be the banjo bolt/o ring.  Can anyone
help?  Will send beer and this is the only thing
keeping me from really enjoying the car at this point.
 What's the point of having big reds if you're scared
to use em?

'94 S4

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