[s-cars] Re: Joey's getting ANGRY!!!

Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Thu Apr 17 21:16:05 EDT 2003

At 3:17 PM -0700 4/17/03, Joseph Pizzimenti wrote:
>Subj: Re: Joey's getting ANGRY!!!

>As you may be aware, I've been chasing down this ***
>****** hydraulic issue for the past year with NO help.

On the bright side, last time I saw a subject line like that, it was
"Jimmy" not "Joey", and it was a tad more than a hydraulic issue :-)

>What I get is after a good brake, when I release brake
>pedal, I get mooing sound like SOMETHING (pump, bomb,
>brake MC, etc.) is sucking air.

Perhaps the ABS unit freaking out?  They do this at low speed if the
sensors aren't properly spaced from the teeth on the hub, or the
teeth have lots of rust.  Obviously disabling ABS to test is one way,
if you're not familiar with what the ABS unit sounds like when it
kicks in.

IMHO if the pump is sucking air, you'll know, because assist goes
bonkers, cutting in+out.  With a full reservoir, it's simply not
possible for any part of the system to suck air, really...

Other listers mentioned the front-wheels-off-the-ground, lock-to-lock
20 times bleeding procedure, have you done that?(by the way, the
advice against holding the wheel against the lock is valid, that
nasty noise is your rack getting ready to go- NEVER hold the wheel
against the stops!)

Only other thing I can think of is a clogged screen in the reservoir,
or maybe a clogged screen in one of the banjo bolts(a few have small
cheesy little plastic screens designed to keep the pump from
ingesting something.)  Also, did you pump->bomb hose have that small
plastic tube with the crimped sleeve in the center?

>It will also go away if I swerve around (charging the pump back up again?)

The PS and brake assist systems are separate halves of the pump, and
almost completely separate systems, sharing only the reservoir in
common.  The bomb has NOTHING to do with steering- it supplies
pressure ONLY to the brake servo.

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