[s-cars] Re: S-CAR-List digest, Vol 1 #1301 - 10 msgs

Erics Mail ravensmith at adelphia.net
Thu Apr 17 18:38:59 EDT 2003

I for one wish you the best.  I know how hard it is to juggle a 'Hobby' like
you had and actually get time for family.  Your first sign that life as you
know it is going to change has already occured, wether you knew it or not.

'While driving back one evening with a CRB in my trunk I turned to my
sleeping wife, saw her buldging stomach and thought to myself, why I am
driving 140 MPH and risking my wife's life for $200?'

I've not purchased anything from you, so I don't know the volume of time you
spend with your 'Clients', but I can tell from your message that closing a
deal was probably just as much time as building crates and sourcing parts.
You seem like a GREAT guy and a typical S-Car owner <Big Grin> / adict :)
and I'm sure that everyone here will not only understand, but also know that
you will be lurking here keeping an eye on us.  So with that, hang in there,
and enjoy the next stage of your life.  If you put as much passion into as
I've seen you put in on this list, I'm sure it will be even more rewarding.

Married 13 years, two kids, two dogs, 2 VW's and 2 Audi's.  Not to mention
the job and house...
If I'm sucessfull, they get time in the order that I've listed them above
(VW's first because one is wifes car and the other is race car).

> Message: 8
> From: "Robert B." <rbrauns at arcor.de>
> To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2003 22:11:23 +0200
> Subject: [s-cars] Time to say Goodbye for a while
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Hello S-Listers:
> After much internal searching, I have decided that my life is changing in
> uch a way that I will not be able to sell anymore CRBs, deal as a broker
> th Ebay purchases, act as translator for Ebay text and generally be of
> stance. I still love my Audis and haven't developed a sudden love of some
> ther car brand. No, there are many reasons why I need to stop investing
> e and money in gathering precious and rare CRBs and selling them for a
> le hundreds buck more than I spend. Here's a small list of the reasons
> nd my decision:
> 1=2E My wife is expecting our first baby and everyone is telling me that
> fe as I know it will end. Hmm, tell me it won't be so.
> 2=2E While driving back one evening with a CRB in my trunk I turned to my
> leeping wife, saw her buldging stomach and thought to myself, why I am
> ing 140 MPH and risking my wife's life for $200?
> 3=2E I need to finish my own project cars.
> 4=2E I spent all last summer building crates and sending motors,
> ons and tons of little things and want to spend this summer camping,
> g, having fun and not building crates.
> 5=2E My day job is killing me and I need to concentrate on work to pay the
> bills.
> 6=2E Mr. Kluge told me that the general condition of the last CRBs he's
> n is getting worse because they do wear out eventually and I fear that one
> of these days I'll get a CRB that needs new everything.
> 7=2E Mr. Kluge is telling me that he wants to retire and drops hints that
> e's tired of rebuilding 01Es.
> All of these reasons plus the losses I've incurred over the last 2 years
> tting stuck with wrong, defective or junky parts force me to make some
> ges in my life. Having said the above, I have 2 stock and Kluge rebuilt
> s and then there won't be anymore from me.
> I hope that everyone here on the S-List understands my decision.
> Kind Regards, Rob

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