Leaking fuel tank, was RE: [s-cars] Sean's Getting Frustrated

Martin, Gary G MartinGG at aetna.com
Wed Apr 23 23:50:16 EDT 2003

Interesting...I have been on this list...ohhh, 4 years and I have never
seen a post about a leaking fuel tank. Sorry for your pain, but
something sounds fishy.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Douglas [mailto:quattro20v at telus.net]
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 9:59 PM
To: s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: [s-cars] Sean's Getting Frustrated

I thought I'd share my frustrations with the list on my "new" 1997 S6 -
and looking for sympathy.

April 4 - Car arrived by rail from Toronto to Vancouver
April 5-6 - drove for two days
April 7 - dropped off at Audi dealer to get provincial inspection
(mandatory for out of province cars). April 8 - dealer informs me that
fuel tank is leaking, orders new tank (under warranty). Tank must be
shipped by ground from Texas warehouse. No courtesy car is available.
April 14 - dealer received tank and removes old one, rear subframe,
suspension and exhaust comes out. April 16 - tech discovers that the
fuel pump is not engaging into collar inside tank. Determines tank is
faulty. Orders another new tan (by ground from Texas). Dealer does not
have any courtesy cars but agrees to pay for rental. Sean gets rental
car but is disappointed - its a Kia! April 22 - second tank arrives.
April 23 - tech fits in fuel pump, but cannot get fuel sender to engage
in collar, blames it on old sending unit possibly being different.
Dealer orders new sending unit which will be air freighted overnight
from Toronto. April 23 - Sean calls Audi Canada to complain. Get the
standard response "we will look into it".

So I figure that either; 1) the tanks are defective and something in the
quality control system is breaking down, 2) Audi changed the specs on
the "collars" and didn't tell anyone 3) the Techs at the dealer either
don't know what they are doing or have royally screwed it up.

So folks, I've technically "owned" my 1997 Audi S6 since paying for it
in Mid March, but I have only had in my posession for 2 freakin days!
What did I do to deserve this? I must of really pissed of the Audi Gods

Thanks for listening.

Sean Douglas - s-car-less in Surrey :-(

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