[s-cars] yet another rim question...

thomas.pollock at amd.com thomas.pollock at amd.com
Mon Apr 28 12:26:36 EDT 2003

Hi guys and gals,

ok, two part rim question.
part one.  Will TT rims fit our cars ?

part two.  How to make certain aftermarket rim hubs fit our cars ?

I had planned to get my OE rims refurbed and while at it, they were going to
polish the entire rim inner to outer rather than just the outer lip (just to
be different).
Problem is the $$$ is getting out of hand so I've decided to look at
aftermarket. Now I know if I go to a tire rack type place and say I have a
94 S4 they'll say ok,
here's what you have to select from but,  I've also seen some nice 18"s in
5x112 with either et35 or 40 but they don't show as listed for our cars. The
only reason
I can think of is the hub....

any help ?

and as always, thanks in advance,

 |  _______                                                   |
 |  \____  | Advanced        Tom Pollock                      |
 |  /|   | | Micro           thomas.pollock at amd.com           |
 | | |___| | Devices         Voice: (978) 795-2534            |
 | |____/ \|                 Fax:   (978) 795-2555            |

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