[s-cars] Heater Servo Motor Installation

Vincent Frégeac vfregeac at sympatico.ca
Tue Aug 5 16:04:04 EDT 2003

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I had the A/C diagnosed by the dealer last week. It’s loosing all its
freon in two weeks. The first time I came in, they were not even able to
charge the system. It appears that none of their mechanics available at
this time knew a car as old as mine. It seems that in Audi book, a 7
years old car is already an antique, almost collectable. I came back a
second time, when the chief mechanic, with 15 years of Audi experience,
was there so at least, the guy knew Audi ever produced the C4 platform.
Obviously, he did not found the leak but, at least, they were able to
add UV tracer to the freon so I will be able to trace it myself. In the
process, he found that 2 flaps had static block: Three button to press
to diagnos this. I think that’s the most we can expect from a dealer’s
mechanic. What surpised me the most was their quote to replace the servo
motor. Twice the price from Blaufernungen for the part – that was
expected – but only one hour of labour. Either it’s the first C4 they
have ever seen and they have no idea what the installation requires or
there is a way to replace the central flap servo motor without removing
half the interior.

Of course, I’ll do it my self. I don’t see why I would pay 85$CDN/hour
someone who barely know my car and 120$US  for a servo motor I can
refurbish myself in 10 minutes – BTDT on the temperature flap servo
motor. But I’d be really glad to learn how to remove and reinstall it in
one hour. Any body have any idea, or better, BTDT.


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