[s-cars] Steering Servo Disable - turning it on and off?

bob.rossato at att.net bob.rossato at att.net
Wed Aug 6 22:59:25 EDT 2003

I suppose you could also try using an ABS switch and relay from a '92.  The
system resets itself whenever the ignition is turned off so you could set it
up to default to servotronic enabled, or disabled depending on who is the
primary driver.


> Interesting chalenge. Not sure I'm in the right mood to work on this
> right now but I'll keep it in mind in case I solve much more personnal
> and complicated problems.
> I'll let you know.
> Vincent.
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> De=A0: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com] De la part de Christopher Leal
> Envoy=E9=A0: 6 ao=FBt 2003 16:37
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> Objet=A0: RE: [s-cars] Steering Servo Disable - turning it on and off?
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> If someone is really bored they can wire it to be actuated by the seat
> memory. Then the his and hers keys/seat position would control if it
> were on or off. That way nobody gets mad because you forgot to flip the
> switch.
> Let us know when you figure this out.
> ________________________________
> Christopher Leal
> Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2003 05:42:20 -0700 (PDT)
> From: chris chambers <fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com>

> Subject: RE: [s-cars] Steering Servo Disable - turning it on and off?
> To: Fred Munro <munrof at sympatico.ca>,
> 	Aaron <aaront at cox-internet.com>,
> 	Audi - Scars <>
> I think Aaron may want to easily turn the servo on and off.
> Would it be hard to find the positive lead feeding the relay and then
> put a switch in that feed locating the switch someplace easy to reach.
> Perhaps the switch could be located in the glove box where the wifey
> wouldn't accidentally trip it.
> This way Aaron turns the servo off when he is driving it and back on
> before he parks the car, allowing wifey to have the car sestup the way
> she likes it when she drive sit.
> Thoughts?
> Chris
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