Subject: RE: [s-cars] RE: urS4 Bentleys

Dave Burig dburig at
Thu Aug 14 16:36:16 EDT 2003

Isn't the whole idea to get these things dirty?!?
I write in the margins of mine, draw circles and arrows and a paragraph
describing procedures and hints in my own words, jot down part numbers, and
even leave busted knuckle blood smears on the appropriate pages, just for a
smile the next time I return to that page (also for DNA identification
should anyone try to abscond with my beloved manuals).  A few of the pages
even have incriminating beer stains and burn marks, from when the work gets
REALLY serious.  ;`)

Dave "hoping to put in the new tranny mounts tonight" Burig

-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-admin at [mailto:s-car-list-admin at]On
Behalf Of Theodore Chen
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 1:54 PM
To: Mike Platt; t44tq at; Scar
Subject: Re: Subject: RE: [s-cars] RE: urS4 Bentleys

--- Mike Platt <mplatt911 at> wrote:
> Fuss I must der Scar fans. I love my paper manuals
> that I bought about 4/5yrs ago. While changing my CV
> boot the other night a got to put some fresh moly
> grease on a couple pages on one of the volumes:) Try
> doing that on yer PC. I couldn't trust myself with a
> PC in my garage on the work bench. Envision...part
> slips out of vice, bounces off bench, off keyboard,
> baaaaad scene.

eh.  keyboards are a dime a dozen these days.  you want a keyboard?
i have several of them in the closet.  how about a mouse?  got plenty
of those too.

i have the paper manuals, but would prefer not to get them dirty.  i've
actually thought about getting them copied, so i can have a work set
that i don't mind dirtying up and a clean set to archive.

one possibility, i suppose, is to have the paper manuals copied at
kinko's.  so as not to take money out of bentley's (and our own
list member's) pocket, only people who bought the bentley CDs would be
allowed to have a copy of the paper manual.


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