Subject: RE: [s-cars] RE: urS4 Bentleys

Mike Platt mplatt911 at
Thu Aug 14 14:28:12 EDT 2003

Yes it is!!! Ever since I have been out of public
school, where you are taught not to write in books,
etc. I make a deliberate point to write in any book I
own. Still freaks out some of those people who were
punished in their younger days. For an extra kicker, I
have been known to fold over a corner or two to save
my pages.
Ha Ha!!
Mike (refusing to live my grammer school days)P

--- Dave Burig <dburig at> wrote:
> Isn't the whole idea to get these things dirty?!?
> I write in the margins of mine, draw circles and
> arrows and a paragraph
> describing procedures and hints in my own words, jot
> down part numbers, and
> even leave busted knuckle blood smears on the
> appropriate pages, just for a
> smile the next time I return to that page (also for
> DNA identification
> should anyone try to abscond with my beloved
> manuals).  A few of the pages
> even have incriminating beer stains and burn marks,
> from when the work gets
> REALLY serious.  ;`)
> Dave "hoping to put in the new tranny mounts
> tonight" Burig
> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-admin at
> [mailto:s-car-list-admin at]On
> Behalf Of Theodore Chen
> Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 1:54 PM
> To: Mike Platt; t44tq at; Scar
> Subject: Re: Subject: RE: [s-cars] RE: urS4 Bentleys
> --- Mike Platt <mplatt911 at> wrote:
> > Fuss I must der Scar fans. I love my paper manuals
> > that I bought about 4/5yrs ago. While changing my
> CV
> > boot the other night a got to put some fresh moly
> > grease on a couple pages on one of the volumes:)
> Try
> > doing that on yer PC. I couldn't trust myself with
> a
> > PC in my garage on the work bench. Envision...part
> > slips out of vice, bounces off bench, off
> keyboard,
> > baaaaad scene.
> eh.  keyboards are a dime a dozen these days.  you
> want a keyboard?
> i have several of them in the closet.  how about a
> mouse?  got plenty
> of those too.
> i have the paper manuals, but would prefer not to
> get them dirty.  i've
> actually thought about getting them copied, so i can
> have a work set
> that i don't mind dirtying up and a clean set to
> archive.
> one possibility, i suppose, is to have the paper
> manuals copied at
> kinko's.  so as not to take money out of bentley's
> (and our own
> list member's) pocket, only people who bought the
> bentley CDs would be
> allowed to have a copy of the paper manual.
> -teddy
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