[s-cars] Cruise control

The Gagnons bullitt at gwi.net
Mon Aug 18 00:06:53 EDT 2003


The cruise control on my 92 S4 has started to act strangely.  After setting
the speed the car will cruise for a short while and then will start to gain
speed and continue to accelerate until I finally have to hit the brake or
clutch pedal to cancel the cruise control.  It seems like it will gain speed
after it applies more throttle to climb a hill.  Another symptom is that the
cancel feature on the stalk does not work any longer.

 I have had cruise controls in Audi's malfunction in the past, but never
like this.  The usual problem is that the cruise will not engage at all due
to leaky vacuum vent valve switches.  Anyone know what  is going on here?



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