[s-cars] RE: SPEC bashing

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Wed Dec 3 09:23:34 EST 2003

Mr. Baloney offered confirming evidence:

<<<I think part of the issue is that NEA often has most everything drop
shipped from Spec, never sees it and if they did, who knows whether they
would check it.   For instance I have two supposed stage II discs in my
possession that are similar but different and oddly enough Sachs made
one of them.  The other has the mfr. machined off.>>>

Really now.  Mfg. machined off.  Sachs.  Interesting that the wrong disc
SPEC had sent me fit that exact description, and when I sent it back to them
they said it was NOT one of theirs, appeared to be a Sachs unit, and then
they tried to blame my mechanic for switching discs on me / them.  Nice f'n
way to run a business.  

Again gents, buyer beware, YMMV, but you may wanna watch out for them
hillbilly goatfukkers down dere deepindahearta.  FWIW, NEA has been very
professional on this thus far, and we're in the middle of a resolution
now...  just need to see what kind of resolution (think $$$).

-Paulie Specbasher until I tire of it K.

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