[s-cars] Front Suspension Noise 95 S6

Bill de Alva billdealva at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 13 20:47:48 EST 2003

I am experiencing front suspension noise on my 95 S6 when the car hits a bump.  The noise tends to be much more apparent when the car is cold.  The sound is metalic thunk... similar to what you'd expect if there was a loose connection somewhere in the linkage.  The sound mostly comes from the right front but I've noticed it on the left side as well.  I have visually inspected the swing arms when I last rotated the wheels and did not see anything obvious.
The car has 90,000 miles on it and has not had the struts replaced.  Would like to know if this type of sound would be indicative of worn struts of if there are other points that would be probable sources of this sound.  If it is likely that I need new struts, I would appreciate recommendations on factory replacements vs. after market options.
Thanks for any help.

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