[s-cars] RE: LWFW GP

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Wed Dec 31 08:53:04 EST 2003

Doug wisely failed self restraint:


You're a monster! and a threat to every buried wallet out there. You know
how many UrS are out there ready for a clutch?  yeah push us over da' edge -
I hope that $1050 is waaay less than yours ;-)
Oh BTW, Tim, count me in for one, March '04 is just about right.

Doug L
94 S4 (Uncle Bob sez maybe MTM 1, not 1+) 

Heh, nothing I've not been called before.  Again, I'd not really speak this
highly of it if I could only help it.  Must_stop_giggling...

That's about the same ballpark I played in, FWIW.  Consumer spending
supports the economy...  yes...  that's it...

-Paul a FMIC away, a long wayaway, from bliss K.

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