[s-cars] bashful boost leak

Chad Hall outex at charter.net
Tue Feb 4 14:31:33 EST 2003

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For the past week I have been trying to locate a MAJOR boost leak in my S6.=
  I replaced a few questionable rubber lines (mostly around the ECU) but st=
ill have a huge leak somewhere above the front passenger footwell.  I remov=
ed the rain tray in the engine bay and inspected the vacuum lines underneat=
h but have been unable to locate the source of the leak.  The sound is near=
ly as loud as rolling the window down compared to a closed cabin (and sound=
s similar).  I just returned from a road test with a friend driving while I=
 was underneath the glove box, looking up.  I noticed the flap for the HVAC=
 opening wide just when the boost fell flat & the Nor'easter appeared in th=
e footwell.  I have to admit that I know little about the heating/cooling s=
ystem in terms of vacuum lines, solenoids, etc. I did check the recirculati=
ng button on the control panel and it wouldn't stay on.  I then checked the=
 A/C button--same thing:  would light up when pushed but wouldn't stay on. =
 The heater and defroster both work fine.  Could my boost leak be electrica=
l in nature, bad switch or solenoid?  I was looking for what sounded like a=
 8" boost line ripped apart when I think I could use help dissecting my HVA=
C system.  Any experts out there?


Chad Hall
95 S6

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