[s-cars] (LAC) 2000 A6

paul cello at adelphia.net
Mon Feb 10 22:44:59 EST 2003


I've got a '99 A6 Avant and the issues that have come up:

- Control Arms.  They get noisy over time.  Have him go over some rough
roads at low speeds and listen for a squeak (sorta like delrin bushings).
Very common problem.  Mine started making noise around 60k miles.
- Computer display between the speedo and tach.  Drive the car at night and
look for a "fading" around the edges of the display.  The whole guage
cluster has to be replaced if this is an issue.  Even if it's minor get it
taken care of.

Other than that, the car's been pretty good and the wife enjoys it.   More
reliable than my '90 CQ.

99 A6 Avant
95.5 S6 Avant
90 CQ
85 Coupe GT
68 Triumph Spitfire
67 Glutton for punishment

----- Original Message -----
From: Matt Russell <skippertgore at hotmail.com>
To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 6:47 PM
Subject: [s-cars] (LAC) 2000 A6

> Oh wise group...
> Buddy of mine is looking at one for 23k and change.  dealer lease trade
> maintained at said dealer, 46k miles, blah, blah... sounded good to me
> the phone.
> 1-Any known issues with these?  I know several list members have various
> other audis in the family...
> 2-Anyone know a good local wrench to Redbanks, NJ area?
> Replies off list are fine.  Thanks all!
> -Matt, co
> 92 s4
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