[s-cars] RS2 software

Mark Turczyn mturczyn at mindspring.com
Tue Feb 11 16:08:11 EST 2003


With the recent thread about boost numbers I had to put this out.

I finally did it--I went full RS2 monty. I held up doing this for the
past four years since I was using my Avant for towing and did not
want to have high boost pulling up long grades in the middle of

This fall I bought a used Chevy Astro for towing so I was finally
free to pump up the Avant.

  I passed up many of the great GP's for RS2 parts that we have had
for the last few years.  I thought that now with the lack of 3.0 bar
sensors I was not going to be able to make the conversion

Well with a tip from Rod  and others I found out that the East Coast
Crew has a few solutions for this sensor.  I picked the VMAP solution
that Peter Blazer(http://www.moreboost.com/   peter at moreboost.com)
has developed which allows you to jumper pins to pick different
maximum boost levels.  I like that I can change the VMAP back to the
2.5 bar setting,stick in my old software, MAF, and injectors and know
I will pass our rolling dyno emissions test. I do not have to spend
money on another Chip set and changing all of this is a most a two
hour job. The other  setting give great flexibility that I may never
use but at least I know that they are there.

NAC (http://www.northerneuropeanautomotive.com/) completed the
package for me. I had installed the RS2 turbo and EM a number of
years ago to reduce heat soak when I towed so I did not need these
parts.  NAC had the new MAF and injectors in stock.  They have ECU's
ready to send out when you send you your ECU or you can do what I did
by having them modify my box.

The software is a combo of two chips that Peter and Bob P came up
with and after driving this weekend I can tell you--this combo is

It is very smooth, it pulls like a trains with no peaky spikes in
boost.  In my first half hour I was first taken by its mid range
pulling power and how smooth it all was. The car pulls so cleanly
that could not tell how fast I was really going until I looked down
at the mph.  It is sneaky fast.

Then on to WOT runs and I found that the train just pulled harder up
to redline.  I had to keep doing it to convince myself how fast I was
going since without any type of "boost hit" that I have experienced
in other turbo cars I have driven, I had to recalibrate my butt dyno.

as one Joseph Pizzimenti recently described driving Bob P's car this way

"The car pulled like a Brooklyn hooker
short of crack money and our own Ray T saw the gauge
go to 30PSI.  I called bullshit and soon ate my words
when I saw it hit up there.  So, it's possible...and

I have no personal interest in any of this since I paid my money like
everyone else on the list for the VMAP, software, and hardware but
this is such a good chip set and such a good solution for my
particular 3 bar sensor problem I had to pass it on.

  I believe Frank A has hard dyno numbers on this chip set(substantial
from what I have heard) and there are other listers that are running
this software and they could give their impressions.

Just passing this on.
Mark Turczyn

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