[s-cars] Need tool

Matt Russell skippertgore at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 14 17:46:04 EST 2003

>Guys.=A0 Where can I get a set of the tools that take out the >stereo head
>unit?=A0 The dealer wouldn't give them to me but said he >>could order them
>$12.=A0 John

John- what year is your car?

On my 92, you can simply cut two pieces of wire about 8 or so inches long,
and bend them to form a "U" shape.  insert each end into the holes on the
head unit, and this should release the catches allowing you to withdraw said

(ok, as i type this, i realize it sounds a bit wierd being Valentine's day
and all... bring on the fun!)

not sure about the units on later models...

-Matt, 92 s4 co

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