[s-cars] Re: clicking noise in first gear only

CyberPoet thecyberpoet at cyberpoet.net
Tue Feb 18 19:03:28 EST 2003

Don't have a single, good, definitive one, but it is a symptom that
indicates that there is a misalignment in one of the associated parts
(the shifter mechanism, the transmission mounts, or the actual gear
itself) which is shifting under load due to slop being taken up under
thrust/torque. How much is moving? 1 millimeter? 3, 4 mm? I'd start by
looking at the tranny mount bushing(s) closely to see if they are
worn/cracked/broken/frail with age, and then moving on from there. A
movement of under 1 mm is negligible and not unusual for a car with 80k
+  miles on it. At 2 mm, it's time to start thinking about replacing

Maybe someone else on the list has more insight into this process, as
I've done on other cars, but not on my audi...

Best Wishes,
=-= Marc

On Tuesday, February 18, 2003, at 05:15 PM, owdbuff at earthlink.net wrote:

> I tried your suggestion of putting the car in first gear with
> the clutch depressed and doing a normal take-off.  With my fingers
> bearly touching the shift lever I could feel it move toward 2nd gear
> ever so slightly.  What is your verdict?  Thank
> you for your time.
> Tom A. - Colo.

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