[s-cars] RE: Der Nurburgring

Erics Mail ravensmith at adelphia.net
Thu Jan 2 17:25:05 EST 2003

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I for one would LOVE to time this around my planned Tourist pacakge from VW=
.  I'm still trying to workout all the details, and of course my company ha=
s to survive (Or at least my job) for this to work.  I am planning on getti=
ng the new VW SUV in the V10 TDI config, if I can get all the paperwork don=
e=2E  Supposedly it will be offered here in the US sometime in 2005.  If so=
, I figure I might be able to work out the details to have the first one le=
gally imported.  As they will be available in Germany, if VW has filed all =
the right stuff by Sept to have them imported in 2005, than I might just be=
 able to pull it off.


1) VW still offers the Tourist program
2) Funds are still present
3) World hasn't imploded under the stupidity currently going around
4) Wife still likes the idea when the finances are ready.

Pipe dream you say?  Perhaps, but I've done stranger things and I'm sitting=
 on more than enough equity in the house :)

If anyone has any contacts in VWoA or AoA that might be able to lend a hand=
, I'd really love to hear from ya.

Just think, 300+hp 550tq drivin on the ring, than shipped back to the state=
s=2E..  Would be my ultimate dream!  Well, I guess the EB16 would be the ul=
timate but this might be doable.


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