[s-cars] Pagid Squeal

Joseph Pizzimenti pizzoman at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 7 07:20:33 EST 2003

Mine squeal all the time.  I surmise that the snow and
rain rusted the rotors and it took 4 hours of driving
normally (imagine that) to get it back.  Noise was
back last night, to my relief/dismay.  :-)  They
started gripping a lot better w/noise, which leads me
to believe that pad deposits on rotor were worn off
and it took time to get them back on.

Now they squeal when brakes are applied at low
speed/effort when cold and moderat effort when warmed
up properly.

--- ccohen5 <ccohen5 at compuserve.com> wrote:
> Did your squeal when the brakes were applied or
> after they were warmed up
> and then only when brakes were NOT applied.
> Mine do the latter, which is very curious.
> Colin
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