[s-cars] Update: Suspension GP - prices falling - all may par ticipate

Robert Pastore rpastore at animalfeeds.com
Thu Jan 16 12:17:18 EST 2003

I've got a set of Intrax springs available for sale.
They lower the car about 1/2" more than Eibach or H&R.

I am running Eibach front/coilover rear on my avant,
and stock front/coilover rear on the wife's sedan.

These are taking up space in the garage, make offer!

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Munger [mailto:mungerts at uneedspeed.net]
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 11:37 PM
To: outex at charter.net; cello at together.net; jyi1 at hotmail.com;
s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: [s-cars] Update: Suspension GP - prices falling - all may

Hey All,
For *any* model, you can get GP pricing on Koni shocks (you don't
need to get springs for the discount pricing on the shocks,
but can get the discount on springs too).

E-mail me if you're interested in the following GP.

You will pay the vendor directly and have the parts shipped to you directly.

Under recommendation, H&R was swapped for Intrax for a better
match with the Koni sports.

Normal Pricing:
Koni Front (86-2149 Sport) $135 ea
Koni Rear  (80-2630 Sport) $110 ea
Intrax Springs             $225
                           $715 + S/H

GP Pricing with 10 or more participants:
Koni Front (86-2149 Sport) $120 ea
Koni Rear  (80-2630 Sport) $100 ea
Intrax Springs             $195
                           $635 + S/H

Shipping shocks  $25
Shipping springs $25
Shipping both    $50

The Intrax springs
Drop the Front 1.7"
and the  Rear  1.6"

Stiffness increases about +25%

I'll need your year, model,  billing address, email address and phone

Kiss the Caddy ride good bye!
--Scott Munger
'93 S4

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