[s-cars] speaking of RS6s...

Robin St.Clair uberseehandel at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 17 10:28:46 EST 2003

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It might be interesting to compare the answers with those the Europeans hav=
e already given:

   No suitable manual gearbox is available for the RS6 in the time frame
   The US market shunned the S6 Avant, why should the RS6 be any different
   The next generation RS4 will have a more sporting bias than the old one =
it will either be based on the 4.2 litre engine or another engine, it may v=
ery well have forced induction, it may have a new technology gearbox, it wi=
ll have a stronger  rearwheel drive bias , it is not certain the car will b=
e produced, once that has been decided a decision will be made on the NA ma=
   The next model A6 will be available with a choice of gearboxes
   The Phaeton delivers customer value at a price point never previously se=
en by North American customers. The RS6 is a niche market car for existing =
discerning Audi customers and existing MB and BMW customers seeking greater=
 refinement, ownership satisfaction and heritage values than offered by the=
ir existing supplier. The new S4 is the market leader in the Sport sedan ca=
tegory delivering superior safety, customer satisfaction and all around per=
formance benefits than other manufacturers products are able to provide.
   Expect Audi to offer an expanding range of vehicles in the North America=
n market and that that range will have an overt sporting character which wi=
ll differentiate Audi from other manufacturers.

Hey these guys say this shit all the time - there is a cheat sheet which ex=
plains what it all means, however!



Forwarded Message From:"Ian Duff" <iduff at rcn.com>To:"'Frank Amoroso'" <fjam=
oroso at webtv.net>CC:s-car-list at audifans.comSubject:RE: [s-cars] speaking of =
RS6s...Date:Fri, 17 Jan 2003 11:26:44 -0500

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Couple of RS6 questions for The Honchos:1) Manual Transmission (either SMG =
or stir-it-yourself)?2) Avant?Couple of more farfetched questions:3) RS4 (b=
ased on the new S4, the V8 one)?4) S3? Particularly as VW is bringing us th=
e R32.5) S6 Avant manual transmission (as #1 above)?6) Where does the new P=
haeton, S4 and RS6 put VAG and Audi relative to VWtaking on MB, and Audi ta=
king on BMW? Still tracking to follow this path? Ifso, BMW seems to be tuck=
ing it to Audi in terms of perceived driverinvolvement, although VW is obvi=
ously locked and loaded, laser guided on MB.-Ian Duff.

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