[s-cars] Virus Concern

Cody Payne Cody.Payne at bconnected.com
Tue Jan 21 15:30:26 EST 2003

Dave suggest installing a Virus Scanner called AVG..it is free and works very nicely...including free virus sig. updates and binary updates:

The fact that someone or something is sending you and autoreply and no-one else (that I am aware of on this list) suggests something suspecious.

Install above reboot..update virus sigs..and scan HD.

More info here:



-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Forgie [mailto:forgied at burnaby.associated-eng.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 3:08 PM
To: s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: [s-cars] Virus Concern

Is it just me or what?  I have just figured out, every time I post to the list I get an email regarding "W*ckyW**kd*ys"  (vowels removed in case Darin's got filter on).  I am concerned that they contain a virus and just "nuke" it.  However, it is a pain and a concern.  Am I alone?

Dave F.

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