[s-cars] intro & questions

Paul Krasusky KrasuskyP at FirstInterBank.com
Fri Jan 24 12:35:26 EST 2003

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Douglas wrote:

From: "Fifield, Douglas" <Douglas.Fifield at TENNANTCO.com>
To: "'quattro at audifans.com'" <quattro at audifans.com>,
	"'s-car-list at audifans.com'" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 09:32:42 -0600
Subject: [s-cars] Intro and Questions


Been a reader for quite some time, but previous sled was an 97 A4 1.8tqm.
That car was totaled last October by a zoned out pizza jockey in a 95 Neon
doing 45 mph.  Car sacrificed self for me and my son.  Must have been
message from Audi gods that it was time to upgrade.  After much searching,
found, bought, and retrieved 95.5 S6 Avant with 40K on the clock.  Just
drove it from Denver to Minneapolis.  A few questions from a neophyte.

The temp during the drive from Denver to Mpls. was anywhere from -15 to +10
deg. F.  The water temp gage in the car seemed to barely get off the cold
side peg.  At highway speeds, it sat on about the second hash mark.  If I
stopped to gas up or eat, it got up a little higher, but then dropped back
down.  The heater worked, but I wonder if I have a bum thermostat.  The car
came from Austin, TX.  Where should the water temp needle ride?

Another concern is that I couldn't get the windshield fluid system to pump.
Don't know if it is frozen, or not working for some other reason.  Any
suggestions on where to start debugging?

Lastly, the rear seat heater on the passenger side is reportably not working
(70 pound son doing the complaining).  I know there is a pressure switch,
but figure 70 lbs is enough to trigger it.  90 lb daughter on other side of
rear seat gets hot butt, exacerbating problem.  Suggestions on where to look
for solution to this minor problem?

Other than that, the car drove like a dream.  Appears to be in mint


Douglas in frigid Twin Cities
95.5 S6 Avant

Welcome Douglas!

Where the F are all these sub-50k cars coming from anyway??? First the King,
now you?  WTF?  Heh, and here I thought dealers stopped doing odometer
rollbacks years ago ;-)...

WRT temp, it's almost definitely your tstat.  Needle should reach 5th line,
90c.  You can confirm this by accessing the OBD in your climate control and
selecting the motor temp channel (via this site
http://www.12v.org/maint/cc.html <http://www.12v.org/maint/cc.html> ) and
seeing what your temp is rising to.  My guess is ~ 60c or so, I just went
through this last month.  Replacement is a joke, ~ $35 including Audi
coolant, need 10mm (IIRC) socket, 12" extension, flex joint, and ratchet,
access while leaning over driver fender.  20 minute job tops, easy.

WRT seat heater, dunno, try swapping kids 8-)...

'95 //S6 mit 103"real"k
'58 TR3A mit 70 "yeah sure"k

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