[s-cars] Heated Seat ?

CoBen, Jill Jill_CoBen at jdedwards.com
Fri Jan 24 13:03:41 EST 2003

I own a 94 S4 and love my heated seats.  I am looking at buying an A6 Avant,
but it does not have the heated seats.  Does anyone know if this can be
retrofitted?  Cost?


p.s. I know you are asking yourself why I am looking at an A6...It is the
kid thing - need more room, but still want the Audi AWD...
Jill CoBen
Business Systems Analyst
Information Technology
One Technology Way
Denver, CO 80237

Phone: 303-334-9742
Fax:      303-334-8117
E-mail Jill_CoBen at jdedwards.com

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