[s-cars] S-car mechanic in Cambridge/Boston, MA area - ECS Brake upgrade

Ken Ng ken_ng11 at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 27 18:49:40 EST 2003

I would appreciate it if anyone can recommend a decent
audi mechanic in the Cambridge/Boston area, who has
experience with the ECS Stage II brake kit for the
UrS4/6. I plan to purchase a set the Stage II kit from
a fellow lister and will have them sent to the
Boston/Camb. area for pick up (i'm in Toronto Canada
and will be visiting a friend in mid-Feb). I would
like to have them mounted while I'm there (to avoid
customs/broker fees for shipping into Canada).

Alternatively, if any fellow listers in that area
would like to give me a hand and provide their
mechanical skills/tools/facilities, I'd be most
appreciative (free food and beer to boot). I plan to
be in the area on the weekend of Feb. 15-16.

Thanks in advance.


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