[s-cars] RE: S4 Chip

Dave Forgie forgied at direct.ca
Wed Jul 16 08:29:45 EDT 2003

Hey, I wasn't picking on anyone.  I had even given Kevin a lead to
Mihnea.  I was taking exception for the need for a tuner to over come
non-chip related problems.  In my opinion, a chip tuner should not be
tuning around inherent problems with the car, e.g. boost leaks, low fuel
pressure, etc.  These things should be fully sorted and the car 100%
before a chip is added. Again, my opinion.  If somebody, like Mihnea,
can tune a car real time (we have people here in Vancouver that do this
for 1.8T's) I think its great.  I just think hardware problems should be
sorted first and the tuners skills be used to deal with non-generic
set-ups, hybrid turbo's etc.  I also "rag" on this theme at work when
out IT  guy tells me to reboot to clear a problem that he can't take the
time to solve directly and completely.

Dave F.

Joseph Pizzimenti wrote:

> Good, now Davie can stop picking on Mihnea for at
> least a day or so.
> Joe

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